1.When you make vegan choices, you stand up for the meekest among us, those rely entirely on your ability to show compassion.
2.We live in a difficult time of competition and self-help. But that is all the more why we need to show compassion and think about others.
3.You cannot perhaps be all things to all people, but what does it cost you to show compassion which is an aspect of Unconditional Love.
4.It's a time to spend with the ones we love, and a chance to show compassion and concern to people we've never met.
5.His stories show compassion for those who are outcast and suffering. They also make fun of the spoiled and conceited.
6.Show compassion for those who may be affected adversely by news coverage.
7.As well as respect they must have and show compassion to others as well.
8.People who are being transformed into the likeness of Jesus Christ show compassion as they reach out and touch someone.
9.Ms Zhang concludes that Chinese culture has "a lack of willingness to show compassion to strangers" .
10.They especially Chinese politicians and to get a new performance stage, the donation at the same time with aplomb show compassion and mercy.